Become part of one of the most respected business communities in the Island, actively supporting you and your organisation. Membership benefits can be accessed off island as well as locally and you don't have to be an existing director to sign up. We have a range of different membership types namely full membership, student and charity director memberships and retired membership. To enquire about a retired membership, email officer.jersey@IoD.net

Our events, both locally and nationally, offer you the perfect opportunity to learn, network and entertain. The IoD LinkedIn group is the ideal place to share ideas and advice, engage and network with other members of the IoD.

Being a member of IoD Jersey grants you access to meeting rooms in 116 Pall Mall, up to 12 visits per calendar year.

Advice & support
Our helplines offer free and prompt specialist business, directors, tax and legal advice, up to 20 calls per calendar year.

Access to resources, factsheets, online guides, governance and policy reports as well as thought leadership publications.

You have access to a reliable business resource that influences change, and presents your concerns and issues to the Government, media and other influential bodies.

You can plan and progress your development as a business leader with our Professional Development programme. Gain the ultimate accolade, Chartered Director, the highest-level qualification for company directors.

Member Offers
Supporting local Jersey businesses & providing a benefit to IoD Jersey members.